Don't miss this unique rail adventure - onlyfrom Mass Bay RRE!
‘Two Rivers Steam Special 2017’
on the Providence & Worcester Railroad, Amtrak and the Valley Railroad

Worcester - Putnam, CT - Groton - Old Saybrook - Essex, CT - Goodspeed & Return
Saturday, October 28, 2017 ONLY!!
Mass Bay RRE joins forces with the Providence & Worcester Railroad and the Valley Railroad again this year to offer this unique charter train experience, operating over three railroads with diesel and steam power!
Our special train will depart from the P&W's headquarters on Hammond Street in Worcester at 8:30 AM for the trip south on the P&W's Norwich Branch. After an additional stop for passengers at Putnam, CT, we'll continue on through Plainfield and Norwich, running alongside the Thames River for the rest of the trip to Groton.
At Groton, we'll take the west leg of the wye onto Amtrak's Northeast Corridor main line for the dash to Old Saybrook, where we'll turn north onto the tracks of the Valley Railroad.
At Old Saybrook, the Valley Railroad's 2-8-2 steam locomotive New Haven 3025 will be waiting to take over our train. We'll swap power and head north on the Valley Railroad behind the 3025, passing through Essex and along the Connecticut River to the end of the operable track at Goodspeed. Naturally, there will be a photo runby along the way! At Goodspeed, the 3025 will run around our train on the new runaround track before hauling us south back to Old Saybrook. After a quick engine change, we'll retrace our route through Groton and Norwich, arriving back at Worcester around 9:15 PM.
Our train will consist of the P&W’s excursion fleet of refurbished former Amtrak passenger equipment. In addition to standard coach seats, (below, far left), Deluxe Coach seating is available in the parlor car “Massachusetts” (below, center left) for a modest additional fare. First-Class seating in swivel chairs is available in the parlor car “Massachusetts”(below, center right) or in lounge chairs in the observation car “New Englander” (below, far right). The Deluxe and First-Class fares include complimentary light snack and beverage service throughout the trip.
All seats are reserved and assigned in advance. Passengers wishing to sit together should order tickets together as a group.
The ‘Two Rivers Steam Special’ operates ONE DAY ONLY, rain or shine. All sales are final and tickets are not refundable. Alcoholic beverages and smoking will not be permitted aboard this train. Tickets will be mailed to you in mid-October along with driving directions to the departure point in Worcester. Special discounted fares are available for Mass Bay RRE members only. Please notify us before ordering if special accommodations (handicap seating, etc.) are required.
Note: There will be NO connection at Worcester Union Station for this trip!
Saturday, October 28, 2017 'Two Rivers Steam Special' Excursion Train:
Coach Seating
Adult Mass Bay RRE Member Coach Fare.......................................... $139*
Adult Non-member Coach Fare....................................................... $159
Youth Coach Fare (ages 18 & under) ................................................ $79
Premium Seating (add to basic Coach fares above)
Deluxe Coach seating ...................................................................+ $45 SOLD OUT!
Deluxe Parlor Car seating Supplemental Fare...................................+ $125 SOLD OUT!
Deluxe Observation Car Supplemental Fare.....................................+ $125
*One discounted seat per Mass Bay RRE member, except as noted in our Member Benefits policy.
Teephone orders are accepted at 978-470-2066 between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM M-F with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover.
The dining car on our train will offer freshly-cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the trip. In addition, we will offer an expanded dinner menu on the return trip. This expanded menu will be posted here as soon as it is determined. Passengers are welcome to bring their own food and drink aboard the train (no alcohol, please).
There are a number of major hotels in a variety of price ranges located in Worcester and in Auburn, which is south of Worcester along the Massachusetts Turnpike at I-290. We suggest you try the following searches in Google: hotel Worcester MA and hotel Auburn MA
MAIL ORDER: Download a printable copy of the Trip Flyer and Order Form and mail it with your payment to: Mass Bay RRE, P.O. Box 4245, Andover, MA 01810-0814. Make checks payable to "Mass Bay RRE." Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped
business-size envelope for return of your tickets. If paying by credit/debit card, be sure to include complete card number, card billing address, expiration date and CVC Code (3 digits on back of card, 4 digits on front of American Express cards. Please note that for mail and phone orders, cards will be charged shortly before your tickets are mailed to you in early October.
BY TELEPHONE: Telephone orders are accepted at 978-470-2066, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover cards.
NEW!! ORDER ON LINE! TWO RIVERS ON-LINE ORDER FORM Pay with Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover using our secure on-line system powered by Formsite and PayPal.
Full particulars of
the tour and directions to the boarding locations will be sent with your tickets about seven to ten days before the trip.
For further information please call our information line at 978-470-2066,
or send e-mail to:
Mass Bay RRE is a non-profit [501(c)(3)] Massachusetts educational corporation.
DISCLAIMER: By using a ticket for the 'Two Rivers Steam Special,' the Passenger agrees (for himself/herself or his/her successors, heirs, executors, administrators, agent, contractors or other persons claiming through him/her):
• To hold harmless, release, waive and indemnify Providence and Worcester Railroad Company, its predecessors, parent, subsidiaries and affiliates, officers, and employees (collectively, the "Railroad") from any and all injuries, liabilities or damages from participation in the trip, including but not limited to those occasioned in whole or in part by any act or omission of the Passenger; or whether or not it is contended that the Railroad contributed thereto in whole or in part; or whether the Railroad was responsible by reason of a non-delegable duty; and
• To accept the dangers associated with being on Railroad's property or tracks and aboard Worcester, MA to Old Saybrook, CT passenger trains; passengers and property are in danger of possible injury, death or destruction incident to freight operations or other operations of the Railroad, whether by Railroad or others; and
Passenger agrees that by purchasing and using the ticket, he/she:
• Shall comply with all stated and customary terms, posted safety signs, rules, and/or verbal instructions given before, during or after the trip; and
• Has read the above paragraphs/provisions and hereby knowingly and freely asserts that said participation in the trip is voluntary and assumes all risks of any injury to mind and body whatsoever arising out of, during or in connection with participation or attempted participation in the trip, even if arising out of or in connection with any negligence of the Railroad.
Site maintenance by Members of Mass Bay RRE.
Page updated October 4, 2017